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Brain Drain – The Healthcare Challenge

Dear Friends,

Haven’t we heard it over and over again?
Have we not seen bands and bands of our healthcare professionals jumping ship and moving from Nigeria to greener pastures in search of their Golden fleece wherever that may be?

We keep losing the best of our healthcare professionals to the “west” since our country continues to crumble economically and there is no support for the individual working nurse and doctor who have graduated from school after many years of struggles just to be offered a pittance for venturing into the currently existing (or non-existent)
healthcare industry around us.

We agree the academic institutions have limited  aptitude at skills acquisition even in the medical parlance, and there is a gaping need for wide exposure if we will have proficient practitioners. That is far from achievable if the professional does not go out there to learn the real ropes of delivering quality healthcare and optimizing the
options availed locally.

Do we blame the ones that have left us and never came back?

What exactly does Nigeria have to offer?
Even the Profs that came back from the west to teach us here, haven’t they all run back?
Why are all our nurses and doctors still doing international exams and
vaporizing into the diaspora?
Why are all our old professionals disappearing into the thin air of
the developed countries?

Who’s is staying back?

Why are they staying back? Are they the rot of the lot?

Or are they those who believe that the system can work?

What is the government doing about these?

What is Albright Healthcare starting with?

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